Olaf Obsommer

Since many years Olaf Obsommer is organizing, leading and documenting white water kayak expeditions to different places all over the world. The different documentaries can be found on his homepage, via streams and on YouTube. They are a great witness of the development of different expedition styles over the years in terms of development of […]


Weltwach is a podcast and dialog between the author Eric Lorenz and different adventurers, travel writers and photographers. While talking about their expeditions, life changing journeys, nature experiences and inspiring meetings with other people, they are discussing cultural, ecological, social and political questions of travelling.https://weltwach.de

Lynne Cox

In 1987 Lynne Cox swam across the Bering Strait from the island of Little Diomede in Alaska to Big Diomede, then part of the Soviet Union. Beside this she swam several other long distances in open water, but crossing the Bering Strait before the end of the Cold War turned this swim into a historical event. […]

14000 Meilen über das Meer

Ignaciuk, Bartlomiej; Loth-Ignaciuk, Agata. 2019. 14000 Meilen über das Meer – Mit dem Kajak über den Atlantik. Hildesheim, Gerstenberg Verlag.

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