What could research, movement itself and documentation on and of movement within landscape look like, in order not to reproduce patterns of dualistic and hierarchical powerstructures?

Round:Motion is an interdisciplinary long term project initiated by the artist Katharina Kneip. It reflects on hierarchies, particularly the reality of feminism and gender equality within the context of outdoor adventures as well as bodily movement in the context of nature. It seeks to create a language of its own and become process itself rather than just existing as a mere reaction.

While existing systems of mostly male-dominated documentations, structures of heroic and dramatic reports, romantic nature descriptions etc. will be included in the overall considerations, Round:Motion aims at an expansion of a system, at breaking open conventional structures, question documentation processes, and providing access to information and thought processes.

Round:Motion consists of interconnected parts: Forum:Round:Motion, Round:Motion:Tour and Clouding:Round:Motion.


name: Katharina Kneip – artist coming from Germany – based in Round:Motion

After studying Fine Arts in Münster and Vienna, creating sculptures and performances, videos, sound installations… drawing and exhibiting, I developed a more bodily and less material based approach to experience and question discomfort, situations that are unforeseeable due to time, natural elements and physical challenges.
Outer space and landscape developed from being ascribed a passive role to being considered and experienced as an active element.

I like to communicate, exchange and meet new people while several aspects of northern regions fascinate me. The climate and its changes, the huge distances that can be somehow travelled by land while meeting tradition, history and new developments are some of the reasons.
These regions have been and are destination of journeys for the most different reasons; their nature, remoteness and bureaucracy are challenging….

For more infos on my previous projects visit www.katharinakneip.com (The mobile version is not yet working well. For best experience – Please visit with with your computer!)

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