2nd year of the TOUR
The second year of the Round:Motion TOUR takes me from Kirkenes to Tromsø in March/April by ski and pulka, from there by sailing ship to Longyearbyen on Svalbard, where I will stay until the end of August, getting to know the region and working, before sailing on to Iceland.
After the first year of the TOUR, which I covered on foot except for the paddle passage from Denmark to Sweden, the challenge for this year was to continue westwards from Northern Norway across the sea using wind power if possible. I wanted to leave the exact route as open as possible and see how my search for sailing opportunities would develop.
Skiing and sailing away from the Norwegian mainland both involve searching for a suitable route depending on the situation. Depending on the quality of the snow and ice, wind, weather forecast and other geographical and personal circumstances, this kind of travelling is not (or relatively rarely) tied to predetermined tracks. I am very curious to see how the perception of the route through this historically and geopolitically as well as climatically and scenically exciting and controversial part of the world develops.

1st year of the TOUR
mcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.